The effect of artemisia alba on chickens fed ration contaminated with aflatoxin - b1

Document Type : Original Articles


Ninety (90), one-day-old Boladt chicks (males and females) were divided into three equal yroups and allotted in the!r cages. Group (1) was the ncgative contol (fed on a standard balanced ration without mixlng aflatoxin-Bl). Chickens of Group (2) were feddally on ration contamfnated with prepared aflaroxin-Bl at a dose of 0.05 ppm (500).kg/kg feed). and were not treated (positive control). Group {3} was fed daily on a ration contamtnated with prepared a flatoxln-Bl 1500 kg/kg feed) and treated with crude aqueous extract (CAE) of Artemista herba alba (0.39 g I kg B. wt in. the drinking waler for 45 consecutive days, Starting from 30 to 75 day of age}. The chickens were welghed every 15 days till the age of 75 days, and the welght-gain was calculated. The values of haemoglobin, total erythrocytfc and leukocyttc counts, serum total proteins, albumtn, globulin, serum urea. creattnlne, serum. aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and total bulrubin were detennined. Histopathological sections were prepared from the livers at tlte age of 75 day (end of Ihe experiment).

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