A descriptive study of the Female kestrel in northeast of Libya

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Anim. Prod. Dep. – Agric. Fac. – Omar Al-Mukhtar Univ. – Libya

2 Veterinary Medicine Fac. – Omar Al-Mukhtar Univ. – Libya

3 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Libya


This study aims to provide a preliminary description of some external phenotypical characteristics and some characteristics of the parts of the digestive tract of the kestrel bird, which inhabits the Green Mountain region in northeastern Libya, in order to create a database for all researchers and those interested in wildlife, especially in the African environment, which is believed to be the original home of the bird. The study was on 4 adult females of kestrels. The data includes body length, wingspan length and width, and the length and circumference of some parts of the body. The data also includes body weight, weights, and lengths of the parts of the digestive tract.

Main Subjects