A comparative studies on withdrawal times of some antibiotics from tissues

Document Type : Original Articles



The present work was canied out to detennine the concentrations of pejloxacin and tilimicosin in serum, liver, kidney and muscle of 120 apparently healthy, one day old unsexed Hubbard broiler chicles at different time intervals using microbiological assay method. Moreover, the effect of heat treatment on their residues in tissues was estimat­ ed. The chicles were allocated into three separated groups, 40 birds for each. The chicles of 1st group were kept as negative control (non-medicated}, the 2nd group chicks were administered pejloxacin (lOmg/kg.b.wt.) in drinking water for 3days, while of the 3rd group were administrated tilmicosin (lOmg/kg.b.wt.) in drinking water for 3days. The obtained results reflected moderate effects of the heat treatment on the residues of pejl.oxacin and tilmicosin in tissues of treated chicles.The present study was carried out to es­ timate the residues of pefloxacin and til­ micosin in tissue and organs of treated chicks. Moreover, the effect of heat treatment (boiling and freezing) on these residues was estimated.


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