Some heavy metal resides in fast foods (ready to eat collection from alexandria governorate

Document Type : Original Articles



Atol of 150 sample of restaurant and street vended fast food including showerma, sausage, hamburger, hamburger, kofta and liver sandwiches(15 samples of each) were collected from different restaurants and street vendors in Alexandria governorate to determine the levels of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, mercury, copper, nickel and zinc.) the results revealed that levels of heavy metal residues in all the examined samples were within the egyption standard permissible limits with the exception of levels of cadmium and lead, which were above the limits in street vended food sample. At the same time, levels of heavy metals in street vended food sample were significantly higher than levels of heavy metals in restaurant food samples. Concerning, cadmium (Cd)and lead (Pd), the highest levels were in liver sand wiches., respectively. In case of copper(Cu)and nickel(Ni), the highest levels were in kofta sandwiches., respectively. Regarding, mercury(Hg)and zinc (Zn), the highest mean concentrations(0.408+0.145, 2.862+0.200.)


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