Evaluation of hygienic quality of burger in two processing plants in alexandria province

Document Type : Original Articles


The evaluation of hygienic : quality of burger (frozen meat product) in two parallei flows processing of meat products in Alexandria province, One flow of meat produced according to the new safety assurance, superior system will exist plant (A). The other flow wilI consist of meat produced and inspected in the traciltlonal way. ThIs study was done through bacteriologiCal. exnminatton of meat. product and contact surroundtings (swabs of workers walls and machines). Bacteriologlcal examination of samples included total bacterial. count. besides isolation oj Staphylococcus aureus and SalmoMilne of both frozen raw meat and flnlshed burger products. Monitoring system that keeps track of the lmportant health hazards in the entire chain from raw meat till ready to eat meat. Results ntvea/.ed that the bacteriological quality of raw meat in both plants within the acceptable Ilmil but it is slightly exceed in plant (B) and presence of Staph!ylococct. Bacteriological results of final burger products samples in ptant (A) within the legat limit of APc.

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