Chronic cytotoxicity of mancozeb in albino rats

Document Type : Original Articles


This study aims to clarify that the pesticides of the most important and the most common contaminants in the environment , which threatens the life of the Egyptian and human health and endanger . This was chosen one vehicle antifungal the most commonly used is a compound Mancosep , was determined lethal dose for half the number of animals ( mice ) and found to be 2143.6 mg / kg body weight , to study the toxic effects were divided male rats into four groups , each containing a set on twenty Vara , the first group was used as a control , while the second group and the third and fourth doses were given the following 40/1.20/1 0.10 / 1 of the lethal doses of half the number of animals ( calculated in a row twice a week for twenty weeks , then the slaughter of mice at the end of the experiment and then separated from the serum blood to estimate the changes of chemical and tissue samples were saved in 10% formalin for examination Alheistolouhy and samples of bone marrow to appoint chromosomal changes and liver samples for quantification of nucleic acid DNA. RNA where the results showed little change in Ztaúv liver and it turns out that the increase in the proportion of bilirubin and aspartate as well as all of the cholesterol and urea are immaterial compared with the control group , and also the presence of activity in the enzyme gamma glutamyl been significantly declined, while each of the enzyme whine Aminu at all doses are significant compared to the control group , and I’ve concluded that this study that Almancosep led to a significant increase in chromosomal changes such as point the distance and the circle and sticking chromosomal compared to the control group . has shown microscopic examination of the presence of congestion vascular hepatic with a gathering of the cells of the lymph in the region Baabism neighboring impaired with the presence of necrosis or necrosis at the bottom of the cover of the liver and expe some intentions of a single nucleus , and also there is a gathering of cells and mononuclear about cannulas bile that their cellular activity and some liver cells showed swallow liver cells adjacent and dead . from this study, it is clear that compound Almancosep has a detrimental effect on the cells, which leads to changes in the cytoplasm and the nucleus , such as chromosomal changes may lead to the mutations lead to the occurrence of carcinogenic effects if you should legalize the use of this compound and conduct extensive studies to confirm the impact of cancerous categorically .

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