Experimental diagnostic used of laparoscopy in dogs

Document Type : Original Articles


,The prescnt Study was carried out on 65 dogs in surgery dept.fac. vet. Med .kafr El-Sheikh. Tania University. The results of /aparoscoi(c examination of Ihe alxlominal Cavily provide accurale inspectton of the anatomical relations between the alxlominal organs and differeniia(e between the normnal and abnormal appearanceof these organs Lapnmscopic biopsy of the liver was done under direct inspection of the selected lobe and provides enough tissue size for histopathological examination. from the proceeding results. it can he concluded that the luparoseopy is an accurate non- ineasive technique .for eXamination and biopsy of the abdominal orqans. The changes of the site of the primary port are indicated according to the organ of interest. The chanqes of the animal posture are indicated to enhance inspection the abdominal organs, The complications of diagnostic laparoscopy and biopsy were minimal. ,


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