Treatment trials of intugmentry mycosis (achlya kelbsiana) causing mass mortalities among mugil cephalus fries in dakahlia province

Document Type : Original Articles


An epizootic outbreak occurred among Mugil cephalus fries during February 1999. where the most clinical signs observed were rottony-wool like masses on Lhe heud. skin and fins. No externaL parasites were observed in skin smears oj infected fish. The causalive agent proved to be Ach!ya kelebsiana. Treatment trials with levamisal HCl. formalin. alcetic acid. hydrogen peroxide and iodophor were able to increase the survival rate of infected fish 83.4% . 76,7% . 73.4%. 70% and 70% respectively . whereas the injected non treated control group had 40% Survival rate. Good fISh uiability afler thempeutlc treatment were noticed among levamisol And formalin trealed flsh than others. On the other hand, acetic acid and formalin showed a good resu.lts in elemlnating the fungt from aquarium woter.


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