Pathological and biochemical studies on rabbits experimentally immunized against visceral larva migrans of toxocara vitulorum

Document Type : Original Articles



Forty Newzeland rabbits of 800 gm body weight, one month old and both sexes were used to investigate the ability of the whole extract of embryonated eggs to protect rabbits against visceral larva migrans of Toxocara vitulorum. Rabbits were divided into four equal groups, gp(1) was orally infested with 3000 embryonated eggs of toxocara vitulorum (ETVE) ; gp(2) was infected s / c with two doses of crude embryonated egg extract with one week interval, gp (3) was treated as gp (2) and challenged with 3000 ETVE, two weeks after the last injection. Gp(4) was kept as untreated control. It could be concluded that the whole extract of embryonated eggs could induce a partial protection of rabbits against larva migrans of Toxocara vitulorum.


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